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Wildlife Trafficking Prevention: How can airports support the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Wildlife trafficking is a global issue that can touch any airport, no matter their size or location. Airports may adopt wildlife trafficking prevention commitments and actions thereby supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Date 2 Sep 2021
duration 1 hour
format Recorded
language English
link Youtube



Wildlife trafficking is a global issue that can touch any airport, no matter their size or location. Airports may adopt wildlife trafficking prevention commitments and actions thereby supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Wildlife trafficking prevention not only supports life on land (SDG 15) and life below water (SDG 14), but also partnering (SDG 17) to fight against this criminal activity (SDG 16), contributes to global good health and well-being (SDG 3). Indeed, wildlife trafficking is a threat to endangered species, and it erodes ecosystem integrity. It is a serious crime linked to other criminal activities such as corruption and money laundering and has also been identified as one of the factors that contribute to the emergence of zoonotic diseases. Combatting wildlife trafficking requires concerted efforts, and the aviation industry is ideally placed to support this fight.

This webinar covers how airports can support:

  • SDG 3 Health and Well-Being and reduce the possibilities for future pandemics while helping to combat wildlife trafficking.
  • SDG 14 Life Below Water and SDG 15 Life on Land and promote sustainable tourism and trade while helping to combat wildlife trafficking.
  • SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions and promote tourism while helping to combat wildlife trafficking.
  • SDG 17 Partnerships, while helping to combat wildlife trafficking.

The webinar is hosted by Richard Crespin, CEO of CollaborateUp.

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Haruko Okusu Chief, Outreach and Projects Unit CITES
Prof. Delia Grace Randolph Joint appointed scientist, Animal and Human Health Program, International Livestock Research Institute and Professor Food Safety Systems, Natural Resources Institute University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Hendelene Prinsloo Senior Intelligence Analyst Wildlife Justice Commission
Juliana Scavuzzi Senior Director, Sustainability Environmental Protection & Legal Affairs

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